Tracking Our Progress

Sports, activities, engagement, and inclusivity provide young people with a sense of purpose and help build character, making it a powerful tool for building strong communities later on in life. At Pamoja, we believe in promoting gender equality by engaging both girls and boys and inspiring them to aim for more in life. Our team of dedicated volunteers from around the world bring diverse skills to help us expand our offerings and maintain high standards of quality. By attracting talent, investing in our facilities, and continuing to engage young people through sports and activities, we are committed to building a brighter future for communities in Uganda.

Boys & Girls Participation

We started of with monthly soccer tournaments during our first 4 years of operations. Initially, this attracted mainly boys. Since 2022 we began diversifying our activities and we are now at a 30+% girl participant ratio.

Girls Participation % of Total

Even with our very limited budget we are able to continuously grow and serve our participant base. We are nearing full capacity. In order to grow bigger we must now invest in our community center.

$ Cost per Participant

We have been able to lower our average cost of operations per participant while maintaining the high quality service we offer, provide certificates, hydration, and meals. At the same time we were able to increase the number of activity types from one in 2018 to six in 2023.

Volunteer Member Count

Pamoja has been able to attract an amazing team of longstanding volunteers from France, Uganda, Canada, USA, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. The roles our volunteers take on are many. From PR and marketing, to teaching and coaching our kids, to finance and legal, and creating building blueprints.