
We can't make our vision a reality without your help. At Pamoja, we believe in the power of togetherness. There is no "them" and "us" – there is only "us".

We understand that creating real change takes energy. That energy can come in many forms, including brainpower, labor, coaching, and financial support. We need all of these things to make a meaningful impact.

We invite you to join us on this journey and become a part of our community. Together, we can create lasting change and improve the lives of young people in Uganda.

Your support benefits Ugandan children & communities in 3 ways

Through our programs underprivileged youth will have access to nutritious meals, clean water, stimulating activities and education.

Fulfilling Basic Needs

Constructing the 1st Pamoja Community center

To make a lasting impact we must build upon a strong foundation. Our community center along with our staff and volunteers are the backbone of Pamoja. It is imperative to our success.

Fair Employment, Fair wages

US$54 a month is not acceptable. Working 12 - 14 hour workdays six days a week is not acceptable. At Pamoja our staff will be able to experience a healthy work-life balance and people will be able to provide for their families and build a future.

We appreciate your contributions. Thank you!

The Pamoja team